
Prayer Update of Bang Family (26/June/2013)

Update of Bang Family (26/June/2013)

            你們的禱告, 我們在天父在垂聽.
            謝謝你們的關心和禱告, 並且回應願意繼續為這個宣教士家庭祈禱, 這是主愛.

            他們生命的出現, 我們夫婦已不再一樣.他們意外之日, 就是我們婚姻18周年正日. 今晚與家人為他們禱告時, 聖靈感提醒永祥, 恩賜中有殉道的恩賜, 及一句聖經: (耶穌)實實在在的告訴你們,一粒麥子不落在地裡死了,仍舊是一粒,若是死了,就結出許多子粒來。 (12:24). 這兩句對我們所認識的BANG FAMILY, 真是立體地描繪一個屬於主門徒的生命表現.

            以下是我們工場代主任David Bryce通知我們有關兩位受傷的孩子的健康情況, 請求你們繼續與我們同心為他們祈求:

Wed 26th June, 2013. A small update:
·       The family will leave to take Esther and Da Jung back to Korea on the 27th 11pm and will arrive in Korea 28th 7:30am. Please pray that this transfer goes well for the girls.
·       We have news that Da Jung can only move the right side of her body properly.  Please pray for her complete healing, and further tests that will be done in Korea, to look into this.
·       Please pray for Esther and Da Jung’s Auntie and Grandmother, as they prepare to receive the girls into their care.
·       Please pray for the Insurance process.  There are more documents we have to supply, when we thought we were finished.  Pray that it all goes through smoothly…soon.  We don’t want this to be a burden on the family at this time.

Please continue to pray, and support each other. 

永祥, 玉蓮, 歷恩, 奉心和奉穎謹上

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