
Faith Journey (The Prayer Letter #27) (Nov, 2015)

Faith Journey
(The Prayer Letter #27) 
[Nov, 2015 Version]

Dear Prayer Partners
Cambodian High School Graduation Public Exam was finish and the graduate rate is 56% this year compare to 25% last year. This year is the second time of no bribe and fair exam.

Clement has moved to Canada in July and stared his school in University of Toronto in Sept. He lives in the student dorm in his campus. Our family lives as like before as usual.

In Aug, Jabez Student Center has his first cooperation with a medical team and visited the village. We reached about 250patiences and 60 children. The most exciting thing is the parents of one of our center leader accepted Christ as their personal savior.

1.      Thanks God that Clement has started his school in Canada and thanks God to provide funding for his studying needs. Before Clement moved into his residence in campus, thanks God that TCAC’s pastors, brothers and sisters provided temporary housing for Clement and take care of him for a month.

2.      In last summer, Evelyn has visited Canada and worked her first summer job. We found out that she is become more mature. Now she is studied in Grade 12 and will graduate in next summer.

3.      Thanks God that Jamson and Clement represented our family to have a furlough in July in Hong Kong. Clement also shared his testimony with the supporting churches as well as those who support his college studying.

4.      Thanks God that Kitty taught two times in a nursing class of a Christian Hospital in June and Oct. She felt excited because she could use her nursing profession to serve the Cambodian.

5.      Thanks God that Kitty has wisdom and strength to face all the difficulties and ministries during the time Jamson was not in the mission field.

6.      Thanks God that our volunteer staffs are more matured and begin to lead some ministry by themselves.

Prayer Request
1.      Pray for Evelyn will have her SAT exam on 7th Nov. Pray for her preparation and her to have a stable emotion for the preparation.

2.      Pray for Clement’s campus live, he has joined a Christian group in his campus. Pray for his studying live as well as his spiritual life.

3.      Pray for the preparation of the Christmas Celebration as well as the planning for ministry 2016. We will have meeting on 8-9/Nov to plan for the ministry 2016. Pray for God’s guidance.

4.      Pray for the recruitment of new students this year. Now have two applicants and pray for recruiting more applicants.

5.      Pray for New believer, SreyHeab’s mother, who just believes in Christ 2 months ago. Pray for us to have a plan to do the follow up in her home village.

In Christ
Jamson and Kitty
With Clement, Evelyn and Kitty
25 Oct, 2015
Interserve (Hong Kong Ltd)  
Address: PO Box 71343, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2384 7328    Fax: (852) 2384 7737
Email: ishk2006@gmail.com  
Web : www.interservehk.com(HK)/ www.interserve.org(Intl)
NB: If you felt God inspired you to contribute in this mission, please contact us or the Hong Kong office with the contact detail in the letter head. You also welcome to do the inquiry through our Interserve Canadian office in Scarborough, Ont. at 416-499-7511

Mailing: PO BOX 1067, Central Post Office, Phnom Penh, Cambodia           
Email: Jnkcheung@gmail.com (Jamson)/ Wuyuklin@gmail.com (Kitty)
Tel/Whatsapp: +855-17-236433 (Jamson)/ +855-16-614821 (Kitty)                                      
Skype Login: Jnkcheung
Facebook : Jnkcheung@gmail.com                                
Blog http://JamsonAndKittyPrayerNetwork.Blogspot.com

信心之旅 (第廿七期) [ 2015年11月份]

信心之旅 (第廿)  [ 201511月份]

,都 了。(林後5:17)

近況 (新的景況,新的校園,新的體驗)

歷恩已於7月到達加拿大多倫多,九月初入讀多倫多大學。他現住於校園中學生宿舍。 在柬埔寨剰下我們一家四口。生活起居則與以往大致相同。

於八月中,救恩堂的醫療短宣隊和雅比斯中心第一次合作,我們選擇到學生領袖的四個家鄉作醫療服侍和作兒童工作。行程共服侍了約二百五十多的應診者,約六十多位兒童。雖在行程中曾有大雨,但不影響短宣隊的行程和服侍的心 。在行程中亦有個人佈道和祈禱服侍,有村民表示信主,其中我們的領袖SREYHEAB 家人也決志,而她母親再兩週後仍對孩子說她真是相信的。感謝天父。


1.      感謝天父,差會為我們孩子成立的宣教士子女大專教育基金,有足夠歷恩的學費和生活費。他已於九月入讀大學,開始慢慢適應。投入校園學習生活和參與校園的團契。還有,感謝天父,他入住大學宿舍前一個月獨自在加拿大,有教會的兄姊關心和照顧,使他可順利進入校園。
2.      奉心於六月至七月到加拿大作暑期工和體驗,於七月底平安回柬,並且升讀十二班。她回來後,雖然短短兩個月,我們也感到她正面的改變和成熟了。
3.      於七月份, 永祥與歷恩首次代表全家在香港述職,感謝各教會和支持者的接待, 關心和禱告。感謝天父,歷恩也跟分享和接觸支持他念書的支持者。

4.      玉蓮於6月和10月在一間基督教醫院的護士學校代課了兩次兩週的護士學生課程,玉蓮感恩因可𡛊她的護士背景服侍柬埔寨人。
5.      玉蓮於七月和九月在柬埔寨獨自照顧家人和事工,當中有不同的事情發生,讓玉蓮有心力和智慧去處理。
6.      學生中心的義務領袖成熟了,開始更有自信的協助工作。
1.      為奉心於117日的SAT試和情緒代禱。為她面臨升學的預備,選擇大學的決擇,校內的功課努力, 網絡上的時間運用等代禱。
2.      為歷恩在加拿大的校園生活,和投入當地的屬靈的群體代禱,求神可以在神裡堅持信仰,和並為神在校園作見證。天氣開始轉冷,這是他在加拿大的第一次入冬,求神使他懂得照顧自己。
3.      為永祥和玉蓮的身心靈代禱,於十月份可以慢下來,但亦要開始聖誕一連串的聚會準備和2015年事工的計劃,求神加體力和心力,和有平安的心來作事工。也為我們希望每週跟孩子SKYPE 會面,繼續親密的家庭關係。
4.      為中心的新生招慕代禱,現有兩位新生報名和入住,為我們中心可接觸更多的未信學生和訓訓學生禱告。
5.      118日至9日的雅比斯中心同工有2016年事工的計劃會禱告,求神使宣教士和本地同工能領受天父給的異象。

6.      SREYHEAB 初信主的母親代禱,她於8月的醫療短宣行程中信主,雖然她在家鄉,求神給我們可以有智慧如何跟進,也為SREYHEAB 的屬靈生命代禱。

永祥 玉蓮


1: 致經濟上的支持者: 若對張永祥,胡玉蓮宣教士家庭的宣教事工有感動,請將奉獻寄往 九龍中央郵政信箱71343號,國際主僕差會香港分會,支票抬頭Interserve (HK)”:註明支持張永祥宣教士家庭工場費用。若有垂詢請電2384-7328或瀏覽 www.interserve.org
2: 若對工場費用以外有感動作奉獻,請將奉獻寄往以上的差會郵寄地址,並註明,如 柬埔寨雅比斯事工 宣教士子女大專教育基金

3: 宣道會西環堂及以琳堂崇真會救恩堂和筲箕灣崇真會的兄姊,請將奉獻交給貴堂會的宣教基金。

郵寄地址PO BOX 1067Central Post OfficePhnom PenhCambodia                         
電郵: Jnkcheung@gmail.com (Jamson)/ Wuyuklin@gmail.com (Kitty)
電話/Whatsapp: +855-17-236433 (Jamson)/  +855-16-614821 (Kitty)         
網電Skype Login: Jnkcheung

Facebook : Jnkcheung@gmail.com                                
部落 Blog:http://JamsonAndKittyPrayerNetwork.Blogspot.com


Faith Journey #25 [May, 2015 Version] (English Version)

Interserve (Hong Kong Ltd)  
Address: PO Box 71343, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong
Email: ishk2006@gmail.com  Web : www.interservehk.com(HK)/ www.interserve.org(Intl)
Tel: (852) 2384 7328        Fax: (852) 2384 7737

Faith Journey
(The Prayer Letter #25) 
[May, 2015 Version]

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Gal 5:22-23)

Dear all Prayer Partners in Christ

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, 
forbearance, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control. 
Against such things there is no law. (Gal 5:22-23)

We want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day. Mothers are very important at homes and church because they are devoted prayer warriors. Gifts of Mangoes of Cambodia for Mother's Day!

Mangoes and Spiritual Fruits of Holy Spirit
April is the hottest month of the year in Cambodia. In order to mitigate the scorching heat of Phnom Penh we turn to the juicy mangoes that are overflowing in the market place. Our family used to purchase these delicious fruits from the vendors. However, ever since our dorm moved to a different campus, we do not have to go through such hassle anymore. There are three mango trees in the yard of the new dormitory and whenever April comes around, these trees would be brimming with our favorite fruits. The trees would be producing mangoes at an insane rate, and our house would be filled with mangoes ALL THE TIME. This experience is very similar to what the Holy Spirit can do in our lives. With the Holy Spirit in us, we can produce fruits of the spirit in such abundance that our neighbors can experience the benefit of the Holy Spirit.

Sickness and Rest
On March 27, we found out that Jamson has developed shingles. Due to his sickness, he was bed-ridden for an entire week and had to stop working during that period. Both Jamson and Kitty are already over fifty years of age and their painful joints/ back are requesting a rest. But because of God’s grace, we can better understand and experience the power of God to help us endure through this time of trial.

In and Out 有出有入
Our oldest son Clement is graduating in May and has been accepted into York University, Ontario Canada. He is planning to study accounting there. He would be leaving in July and start his studies in September. Thanks to the loving brothers and sisters of Christ who have made donations to aid him in our financial need. We will continue to trust in God to support us and our children.

From February, we have been hosting an English brother named Kieran who is helping us in our Jabez Ministry in the dormitory until September. He is currently residing with our dorm students in the dormitory to get to know the students better. He is finding it difficult to gather energy in this immense heat.
Count the Blessing
Some caring brothers and sisters have asked why Clement is not going back to Hong Kong for post-secondary studies, but to North America instead. Ever since Clement was born, he has been holding a Canadian passport because Jamson had been Canadian Citizen in the 80’s. During his time in Canada, Jamson came to know Christ and heard Him calling to go back to Hong Kong where he was commissioned to evangelize in Cambodia. For Clement, his home country is Hong Kong, passport country is Canada, and childhood country is Cambodia. He is the very definition of TCK (Third Culture Kid). There is nowhere he can really call home except for the promised home in heaven.
Prayer Items:

  1. At the beginning of May, Jabez Ministry had a three day retreat for the dormitory students. The theme was “true worship” and there were 15 attendees. After the retreat, there was even a half day follow-up meeting to discuss what the students learned. In the middle of May there would be another gospel camp for the male students. The budget for this event has not yet been reached despite a generous donation of 170 USD. Pray that God will provide.
  2. There were 3 students who came to Christ in October. Two of the male students are working day jobs and attending night classes and can not show up to the center’s meetings. We are worried about their spiritual life and growth.
  3. Pray for the students leaders in the ministry because they are under spiritual attacks. SreyHeab, one of the leaders, was about to be baptized when her family members, who were fine with her converting to Christianity, suddenly refuse to allow her to be baptized. Her younger brother, who also live in the Jabez dormitory, lost his motorcycle recently. These unfortunate events caused her to be discouraged. SreyMao is looking for God’s calling and the direction of which God wants her to serve. Her parents want her to return to the province to help take care of them and her brother has an alcoholic problem which makes her anxious. Pray that God will take care of them and their families.
  4. God has opened a door for Kitty, who is a registered nurse in Hong Kong, to teach a nursing class in a Christian hospital. Pray that God will give her wisdom and grace to be a good example there.
  5. Pray for the stress Jamson and Kitty are facing. Jamson’s health is still questionable and requires rest to get better. However, there are mission teams coming in June and August. There are sill many things to prepare and not much time to rest. Pray that God will provide and give them sufficient strength to accomplish his will and keep a healthy body at the same time.
  6. The temperature in Cambodia is very messy. The heat would be unbearable for a while then rain would come to cool everything down. The change in temperature makes our bodies vulnerable to diseases. Pray that God would heal and protect us, our fellow colleagues, and dormitory students from any bodily harm..
  7. Please pray for the coming High School Graduate Public Exam, pray for the students for better preparation and non-bribery exam center.

In Christ
Jamson and Kitty
With Clement, Evelyn and Phoebe
8th May, 2015

NB: If you felt God inspired you to contribute in this mission, please contact us or the Hong Kong office with the contact detail in the letter head. You also welcome to do the inquiry through our Interserve Canadian office in Scarborough, Ont. at 416-499-7511

Mailing: PO BOX 1067, Central Post Office, Phnom Penh, Cambodia           
Email: Jnkcheung@gmail.com (Jamson)/ Wuyuklin@gmail.com (Kitty)
Tel/Whatsapp: +855-17-236433 (Jamson)/  +855-16-614821 (Kitty)              
Skype Login: Jnkcheung
Facebook : Jnkcheung@gmail.com                                