
Faith Journey (The Prayer Letter #29) (March, 2016)


Faith Journey
(The Prayer Letter #29) 

[March, 2016 Version]

Dear Prayer Partners

The Year of Monkey arrived so fast that we couldn't have much time to spare for fun or calling to our brothers and sisters at churches who are far apart. However, you are always in our mind.

During the Chinese New Year, most of the students went back to their home town and some of them brought back a few home made dumplings. By making these kind of dumplings, their parents support their family needs.

On top of these, we had brothers and sisters from our care groups in Hong Kong sent us some Chinese deep-fried tasty and crunchy snacks. Our stomach is blessed and our hearts are full- full of your love and God's blessing. Thank you Lord and thank you to our dear sisters and brothers.

As the educational center which we are working with another church in partnership, is still struggling to grow. The only one paid staff of the center, one of our volunteer staff ( Srey Mao) in our dorm, still learning and adjusting. Srey Mao is from the province and the best thing of her is faithful and perseverance. However, classes such as children English class, English Intonation and pronunciation class ( I taught her for years and now she is teaching!); and Basic English class is running in the center now. Hope that she can have a fruitful future.

For our dormitory, we have 3 new female and 2 new male students, only one of the female students is a Christian.  She is a young lovely lady that always follows her friends. Her name is Ruth. Please pray for their spiritual and academic needs.
Even though this is still the early month of the year, we have to think of the contract of the dorm and our own house because we have to make up our mind if we want to continue with the houses contracts.

On the other hand, Evelyn is going to be graduated in May. There are only 2 months left and the condition admission offering of the university of Waterloo is coming near. Hope that some other offering from other universities will come up soon so she can have other choices. Booking of air tickets, arranging transportation in Canada, finding a place to stay before moving in the campus....make us quite anxious.

On the other side of the world, Clement is working hard for his Economy subject in University of Toronto Mississauga, and other subjects are quite “satisfactory” as he said. Once a while when we were skyping, he said,“it is not too cold, the temperature is up to -2 degree already!” Oh son, you are humorous!

Yes, sometimes we feel really cold when the students rejected the gospel that we shared even the temperature in Cambodia is more than 30 degree Celsius!.  
Back to Cambodia, Kitty is still teaching English class, leading morning bible study and now also setting a “100 multiple-choices questions” for the student nurses after teaching a 15 hours course. As a result, Kitty took more than 60 hours in order to prepare slides for different lectures. Some of the students are very enthusiastic to learn and this is a blessing, The medical field in Cambodia is full of hope in the future.

Finally, Jamson's health is good and he has to go for another dental surgery in 2 months' time. He is always connecting with the outside world, the Cambodian pastors and doing all kinds of arrangements. Please pray for wisdom and good relationships that he can build.
That are the things we faced and thank you very much for praying and team
with us as our prayer warriors!

In Christ
Jamson and Kitty
With Clement, Evelyn and Phoebe
7th March, 2016

NB: If you felt God inspired you to contribute in this mission, please contact us or the Hong Kong office with the contact detail in the letter head. You also welcome to do the inquiry through our Interserve Canadian office in Scarborough, Ont. at 416-499-7511

Mailing: PO BOX 1067, Central Post Office, Phnom Penh, Cambodia          
Email: Jnkcheung@gmail.com (Jamson)/ Wuyuklin@gmail.com (Kitty)
Tel/Whatsapp: +855-17-236433 (Jamson)/ +855-16-614821 (Kitty)                                       
Skype Login: Jnkcheung
Facebook : Jnkcheung@gmail.com                                
Blog http://JamsonAndKittyPrayerNetwork.Blogspot.com

信心之旅 (第廿九期) [ 2016年3月份]

Go to read in English Version of Prayer Letter

信心之旅 (第廿)  [ 20163月份]



於過年期間,不祗中國人過節,甚至柬埔寨的青年人也請假回鄉或到其他朋友家中過年,使首都金邊沾上一點寧靜。當學生㥃從家鄉回來,也帶著他們的粽子與我們分享,而我們也跟他們分享香港寄來的傳統賀年食品如角仔笑口棗... ...等。我們心裡充滿著喜樂,因為有代禱者在遠方記掛著在前線的事奉者加添我們温暖情懷

現我們跟另一個宣教伙夥,在雅比斯以外嘗試合作成立一個獨立的教育中心,用不同途徑作大學生在學時的職前培訓。當中全時間的同工是在雅比斯學生中心畢業的前宿生,也是現職我們的義務同工 SREYMAO。經過多年與她認識和同工,她確是忠誠並䫃意盡心服侍主的新一代信徒。永祥,玉蓮也願意培育她成為一個活出基督一個中心負責人,但她也與其

至於二女奉心(Evelyn),將於是五月中學畢業。感謝天父,現有一間加拿大安大略省的大學 (University of Waterloo) 回覆可作有條件取錄,待得到最後成積才確認。她亦在加國在大學開學前找得暑期工一份,加倍感謝神。
至於玉蓮,在雅比斯帶領晨早查經班外,也在金邊希伯崙基督教醫院協助任教醫護科學生。用約60小時的備課 (如預備教學材料POWERPOINT) 15小時的教學。看見學生們努力學習,這就成為玉蓮的精神奬勵。現正預備考試試題 100條選擇題,正火速努力。求神加玉蓮智力和體力。(醫院給玉蓮的車馬費,剛足夠為雅比斯中心購買一部二手DESKTOP電腦,讓沒有電腦的學生可作學習之用)

1.      為雅比斯學生的5位新生代禱: 男生有Chhon LeangSamnou 和女生有 SreydaRuth and Liep 代禱。
2.      為三位義務同工的屬靈生命和合一代禱。其中一位義務同工SREYHEAB,剛給他人搶劫錢包,除失去財物,還有外傷,現在家鄉留醫,請為她禱告。
3.      為在教育中心的事工發展代禱,為當中工作的SREYMAO和她的靈命代禱,亦為永祥和玉蓮要作她的屬靈導師代禱。
4.      為玉蓮有智慧和體力為護士班出考試試題代禱,求神加力。
5.      為二女奉心有大學有條件式的取錄感恩,求神供應所需的。求神讓父母也要為她安排回港,出發等的機票安排和生活安排代禱。
6.      為述職的安排的時間和安排代禱。
7      為永祥於五月前要回港接受牙科護理代禱,仍未能在事工中找到適合的空檔,求神給智慧。
永祥 玉蓮
: 若兄姊對中心的福音營會事工有感動和關心宣教士子女升學的事宜,請用右手邊的方法聯絡差會辦事處。

1: 致經濟上的支持者: 若對張永祥,胡玉蓮宣教士家庭的宣教事工有感動,請將奉獻寄往 九龍中央郵政信箱71343號,國際主僕差會香港分會,支票抬頭Interserve (HK)”:註明支持張永祥宣教士家庭工場費用。若有垂詢請電2384-7328或瀏覽 www.interserve.org
2: 若對工場費用以外有感動作奉獻,請將奉獻寄往以上的差會郵寄地址,並註明,如 柬埔寨雅比斯事工 宣教士子女大專教育基金
3: 宣道會西環堂及以琳堂崇真會救恩堂和筲箕灣崇真會的兄姊,請將奉獻交給貴堂會的宣教基金。

郵寄地址PO BOX 1067Central Post OfficePhnom PenhCambodia                         電郵: Jnkcheung@gmail.com (Jamson)/ Wuyuklin@gmail.com (Kitty)
電話/Whatsapp: +855-17-236433 (Jamson)/  +855-16-614821 (Kitty)         網電Skype Login: Jnkcheung
Facebook : Jnkcheung@gmail.com                                部落 Blog:http://JamsonAndKittyPrayerNetwork.Blogspot.com