好消息, 有關於6月車禍後的兩位姊妹健康情況, 怹們都出院了. 以下是韓國的同工寄來的消息, 身心靈康復的路途仍長, 神是在無可能事情中作事的神. 繼續禱告. (9月9日)
I am very happy to report that Esther and Dajung were discharged from the hospital.
Dajung is fully recovered and home from the hospital several weeks ago.
Esther left the hospital last Friday (September 6th).
As Esther said, they were recovered rapidly through your prayer, helps, and support.
Above all, we thank God for their recovery and healing.
Grandmother and her mother's sister will take care of them.
Esther will go to private educational institute and get rehabilitation treatment.
Dajung goes to kindergarten now.
Thank you for your prayer and please continue to pray for them.
Joshua Kang