Update of Bang Family
於6月21日, 本地韓國教會為他們一家四口舉行安息禮拜; 同日, 在他們孩子就讀的國際學校則有英語的追悼及祈禱會. 帶領的及分享的, 則帶著堅忍著不哭的聲調分享. 這數天, 我們心裡及眼睛都為他們流了不少的淚水.
訪宣隊離開後, KITTY繼續預備講章, 永祥預備小組查經, 跟義務同工開會討論七月份事工, 對不守規則的學生訓勉等, 但全都提不起勁.
以下是我們工場主任Scott Litchfield通知我們有關兩位受傷的孩子的健康情況, 請求你們繼續與我們同心為他們祈求:
Sunday 23rd June, 2013. The
latest news is that both Da Eun (Esther) and Da Jung are doing well. They are
stable and the medical staff are considering transferring them to hospital in Korea
within the next 2-3 days. This is a non-emergency transfer for their ongoing
Some details on their health situation:
Some details on their health situation:
- Both girls have had serious concussions((腦震盪) but it appears with limited and non-serious bleeding. They are not expected to have any ongoing neurological issues.
- Esther has had her left arm amputated (截肢)) close to or at the shoulder. She is in a lot of pain but is talking and eating well.
- Da Jung seems to only have the concussion with no known internal injuries and no injury to extremities. She is not speaking yet and is still sleeping a lot. But the medical staff do not anticipate (不預期) any long term neurological damage.
- Both girls bodies are slowly recovering from the massive trauma(創傷) they have experienced and Esther is in significant pain.
points: For their ongoing recovery especially related to pain
for Esther and that Da Jung will become more alert. And for the process
in moving them to Korea
and the ongoing medical support there.
Country Team leader
Interserve Cambodia
Country Team leader
Interserve Cambodia