
Update of Bang Family (29/June/2013)

Update of Bang Family (29/June/2013)

            謝謝你們的關心和禱告, 為這個宣教士家庭獻上祈禱, 願神的慈悲憐憫這個家庭.

            以下是我們工場主任Scott通知我們有關兩位受傷的孩子回到南韓後的健康情況, 請求你們繼續與我們同心為他們祈求:

Sat 29th June, 2013. A small update:
            他們已順利於628返抵南韓, 但檢查後發覺有些在柬國未能察覺的傷勢. Esther 已於昨天再做了一次手術, 新發現的傷勢對他們的長期的影響仍未能作評估

Many of you know that Joshua Kang came to Siem Reap to help Da Eun
(Esther) and Da Jung on their return to Korea last Thursday. It seems to have gone well in general terms but the examination in Korea indicates some injuries were undiagnosed in Kantha Bopha. The extent of these injuries and the long term impact on the girls is unclear but it seems the injuries are worse than we thought a few days ago.

Joshua writes the following:

Doctors found left hip fracture and spine injury of Da Eun (Esther) which Cambodian doctors could not diagnose. Therefore, she had surgical operation yesterday.
We have to pray for her physical (amputaton of left arm, left hip fracture, spine injury) and mental recovery.

Da Jung can hardly recognize a person. She has left hemi paresis (weakness on the left side) and aphasia (can't speak 失語()) due to brain hemorrhage (出血) and left arm fracture.

So please continue to pray for Da Eun (Esther) and Da Jung and for caring for them.


Please continue to pray, and support each other. 

永祥, 玉蓮, 歷恩, 奉心和奉穎謹上


Prayer Update of Bang Family (26/June/2013)

Update of Bang Family (26/June/2013)

            你們的禱告, 我們在天父在垂聽.
            謝謝你們的關心和禱告, 並且回應願意繼續為這個宣教士家庭祈禱, 這是主愛.

            他們生命的出現, 我們夫婦已不再一樣.他們意外之日, 就是我們婚姻18周年正日. 今晚與家人為他們禱告時, 聖靈感提醒永祥, 恩賜中有殉道的恩賜, 及一句聖經: (耶穌)實實在在的告訴你們,一粒麥子不落在地裡死了,仍舊是一粒,若是死了,就結出許多子粒來。 (12:24). 這兩句對我們所認識的BANG FAMILY, 真是立體地描繪一個屬於主門徒的生命表現.

            以下是我們工場代主任David Bryce通知我們有關兩位受傷的孩子的健康情況, 請求你們繼續與我們同心為他們祈求:

Wed 26th June, 2013. A small update:
·       The family will leave to take Esther and Da Jung back to Korea on the 27th 11pm and will arrive in Korea 28th 7:30am. Please pray that this transfer goes well for the girls.
·       We have news that Da Jung can only move the right side of her body properly.  Please pray for her complete healing, and further tests that will be done in Korea, to look into this.
·       Please pray for Esther and Da Jung’s Auntie and Grandmother, as they prepare to receive the girls into their care.
·       Please pray for the Insurance process.  There are more documents we have to supply, when we thought we were finished.  Pray that it all goes through smoothly…soon.  We don’t want this to be a burden on the family at this time.

Please continue to pray, and support each other. 

永祥, 玉蓮, 歷恩, 奉心和奉穎謹上


Update of Bang Family (23/June/2013)

Update of Bang Family (23/June/2013)

            你們的禱告, 我們在天父在垂聽.
            621, 本地韓國教會為他們一家四口舉行安息禮拜; 同日, 在他們孩子就讀的國際學校則有英語的追悼及祈禱會. 帶領的及分享的, 則帶著堅忍著不哭的聲調分享. 這數天, 我們心裡及眼睛都為他們流了不少的淚水.

            這數天, 訪宣隊離開後, KITTY繼續預備講章, 永祥預備小組查經, 跟義務同工開會討論七月份事工, 對不守規則的學生訓勉等, 但全都提不起勁.

            以下是我們工場主任Scott Litchfield通知我們有關兩位受傷的孩子的健康情況, 請求你們繼續與我們同心為他們祈求:

Sunday 23rd June, 2013. The latest news is that both Da Eun (Esther) and Da Jung are doing well. They are stable and the medical staff are considering transferring them to hospital in Korea within the next 2-3 days. This is a non-emergency transfer for their ongoing recuperation.
Some details on their health situation:
  • Both girls have had serious concussions((腦震盪) but it appears with limited and non-serious bleeding. They are not expected to have any ongoing neurological issues.
  • Esther has had her left arm amputated (截肢)) close to or at the shoulder. She is in a lot of pain but is talking and eating well.
  • Da Jung seems to only have the concussion with no known internal injuries and no injury to extremities. She is not speaking yet and is still sleeping a lot. But the medical staff do not anticipate (不預期) any long term neurological damage.
  • Both girls bodies are slowly recovering from the massive trauma(創傷) they have experienced and Esther is in significant pain. 
Prayer points: For their ongoing recovery especially related to pain for Esther and that Da Jung will become more alert.  And for the process in moving them to Korea and the ongoing medical support there.
Scott Litchfield,
Country Team leader
Interserve Cambodia


緊急代禱呼籲 -- 為韓國宣教士家庭Bang Family代禱

         我們有以下的代禱緊急呼籲, 當我們得知此事, 我們也很震驚, 請懇切代求
         我們的差會(國際主僕差會)於柬埔寨有一個一家六口的韓國宣教士家庭, 618計劃搬遷往SIEM REAP 省作植堂宣教, 在途中發生嚴重的交通意外(高速迎頭相

, 並發生汽車火災, 一家六口當中四位死亡(包括父和母, 第二的兒子(David 約十歲)及三女 Deborah), 而大女(Esther 約十二歲) 在急救時而切除左手, 而腦部受傷. 而細女(Da Jung約 三歲) 則傷勢最輕. 父母及兩個孩子的遺體已送回首都金邊, 而兩個受傷的孩子則在300多公里外的SIEM REAP 省的醫院. 孩子的伯父屬昨天從南韓已送到柬國. 而他們在柬國的韓國教會則已於今早已為他們辦了安息禮拜, 而差會則將於週五有追思會(Memorial Service.)

1, 為大女ESTHER 的治療代禱, 她的情況
(左起:Esther, David, Deborah, DaJung)
2. 為細女的康復代禱.
3. 為他們在韓國的家人代禱
4. 為認識他們的宣教士代禱, 包括永祥和玉蓮一家五口, 我們都在哀傷中, 因為我們跟他們有很多接觸, KITTY跟那母親有母週的查經班, 兩週前才為他們搬往省份有送別會, 而永祥跟那立父親一起參加教牧神學課程訓練. 我們的孩子們也跟他們認識.
5. 為他們就讀的宣教士子女學校 HOPE INTL SCHOOL 裡的師生代禱, 四位孩子的三位就讀同一學校, 學校有很多同學和家長也認識他們.
6. 我們今天下午(619 )下午四時才得知這意外的消息, 我們也難以接受水哀傷, 去年在我們孩子的學校裡有一位韓國宣教士的孩子在交通意外死亡, 而是歷恩同學的兄長, 今年則才有宣教士家庭離世, 也對我們心靈有很大沖擊. 請代禱.


3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4kzxKqmAbA (不是追撞, 乃是迎頭相撞; 不是三個韓國人死亡, 及是四國韓國人死亡)

永祥, 玉蓮, 歷恩, 奉心, 奉穎謹上


នាក់​​ស្លាប់និងនាក់របួសធ្ងន់ ពេលរថយន្ត គ្រឿងបុកគ្នានៅកំពង់ធំ

(ថ្ងៃទី 18 មិថុនា 2013, ម៉ោង 06:56:PM) | ដោយ: កូឡាប
ភ្នំពេញ:  ៤ នាក់ស្លាប់នៅកន្លែងកើតហេតុ និង​៧​នាក់រងរបួសធ្ងន់ ពេលរថយន្តក្រុង បុករថយន្តស៊ីអ័វី ក្នុងទិសដៅបញ្ច្រាសគ្នា។ ជនរងគ្រោះត្រូវបាននគរបាល និងកងរាជអាវុធហត្ថ ស្រុកស្ទោង ខេត្តកំពង់ ជួយសង្គ្រោះបញ្ជូនមកមន្ទីរពេទ្យបង្អែកខេត្តកំពង់ធំ
​រថយន្តក្រុងអូឡាំពិកពាក់ស្លាកលេខភ្នំពេញ 3B 6344 បុកគ្នាជាមួយរថយន្តស៊ីអ័វី ពណ៌ស្លែ ស្លាកលេខភ្នំពេញ 2B 2796 កាលពីវេលាម៉ោង​១៣​និង​៣៥​នាទី រសៀលថ្ងៃទី​១៨ នៅតាមបណ្តោយផ្លូវជាតិលេខ​៦ ស្ថិតក្នុងភូមិសំព័រ ឃុំចំការក្រោម ស្រុកស្ទោង ខេត្តកំពង់ធំ។ រថយន្តក្រុង ស្លាប់ព្រូឡានម្នាក់ និង ៥ នាក់ទៀតរបួសធ្ងន់ និងតៃកុងឡានរបួសធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ និងអ្នកដំណើរ ៣ នាក់បានស្លាប់ និងរបួសធ្ងន់​២​នាក់ ជិះរថយន្តស៊ីអ័វី
 រថយន្តស៊ីអ័វី ជិះចំនួន​៦​នាក់ បើកពីភ្នំពេញ ទៅសៀមរាប។ ចំណែករថយន្តក្រុងចំណុះ ៤៥ កៅអី ជិះ ១៤ នាក់ជាជនជាតិចិនតៃវ៉ាន់ បើកពីសៀមរាបទៅភ្នំពេញ ក្នុងបញ្ច្រាសទិសគ្នា។ លុះពេលមកដល់កន្លែងកើត រថយន្តក្រុងបន្ថែមល្បឿនវ៉ារថយន្តមួយគ្រឿងទៀតដែល កំពុងបើកពីមុខ រួចក៏ជ្រុល​ទៅបុកស៊ីអ័វី ពេញមួយទំហឹង
​រថយន្តស៊ីអ័វីបានផ្ទុះឆាបឆេះយ៉ាងសន្ធោសន្ធៅ(very bright, brightly bursting or sparkling) ដុតប្តីប្រពន្ធទាំងពីរនាក់ ជាអ្នកជិះនៅលើរថយន្តស្លាប់យ៉ាងណោអាធ។ រថយន្តនេះរួមដំណើរដោយកូនតូចៗពីរនាក់ស្រីមួយប្រុសមួយអាយុ ៨​ទៅ​១០​ឆ្នាំ តែត្រូវបានប្រជាពលរដ្ឋជួយស្រោចទឹកពន្លត់នឹងគាស់យកចេញ បានទាន់ពេលវេលា ទទួលរងរបួសធ្ងន់ធ្ងរទាំងពីរនាក់ ត្រូវបានគេបញ្ជូនទៅកាន់មន្ទីរពេទ្យ។ ចំណែករថយន្តក្រុងដែលក្រោយពីបុកហើយ បានរេចង្កូតធ្លាក់ផ្លូវ ខូចខាតផ្នែកខាងមុខខ្ទេចទាំងស្រុង បង្កអោយតៃកុងរថយន្តរងរបួសដាច់ជើង