
信心之旅 (第十七期--2013年8月份)

信心之旅 ()  [ 8月份]

  1. 感謝天父讓我們在柬埔寨服侍了十年,加入新差會剛滿一年。在月前在工場有幸與屬靈牧者蔡元雲醫生晚膳,也有幸認識南韓籍宣教殉道者Bang Family。我們深深經歷捨己跟從主的現實版,我們全是願意跟從神的平凡人,就像當日耶穌的門徒一樣平凡。
  2. KITTY 跟奉心往澳洲探訪老友家庭20天,可以重新得力,又能與當地神學院宣教教授深入探討柬國的事工發展情況。
  3. 於六月份有兩隊訪宣隊,分別有崇真會救恩堂和香港靈糧堂的訪宣隊,前者是我們的差遣教會,他們的到訪使我們能享受與他們的情誼和關心。而另一隊則全是大專生的訪宣隊,跟我們學生一起作歷奇活動,學生們有很多的得著。最要緊的是學生們建立了深深的情誼,並預備他們的福音心田,感謝天父。
  4. 孩子們於六月開始放暑假, 我們祈禱孩子們可以有新體驗. 他們跟訪宣隊到貧民窟探訪、到工廠參與佈道會、在家輪流煮飯、協助訪宣隊員學柬語、Evelyn 到澳洲旅遊、Clement 學網頁設計(老師用柬語授課, 永祥在旁翻譯)..等。另,Clement 17歲,按柬國法例, 已合法領取駕電單車執照年齡,永祥教他駕駛電單車,並到駕駛學院學習駕駛理論兼基本功,並成功領取考試合格証書,但他暫決定不會考電單車車牌。為以上的新經驗向神獻上感恩。
  5. 請為Kitty 考取柬埔寨駕駛執照代禱。她已於六月完成柬埔寨駕駛學校的課程,希望可安排於八月考試,請代禱。
  1. Bang FamilyEsther(床上) Da Jung(右邊)其親屬剛於七月底才告知其家人已安息主懷的消息。請為他們得知事實後的心情代禱。(其他詳情,請到永祥和玉蓮的網誌 Blog)
  2. 柬國大選剛完結,政府仍未公佈大選正式結果,落選政黨的支持宣稱會上街表達不滿,求神讓警察和軍隊可刻制地為持秩序,求神掌管柬國的局勢。
  3. 為宣教士家庭在大選後的安全和平安代禱。
  4. 請為我們8月籌辦給隣舍的兒童工作代禱,將動員正休假旳基督徒學生籌備和帶領,求神讓村長和鄰舍的家長,接受我們對他們的服侍。
  5. Srey Heab  的家人不反對Srey Heab 接受浸禮感恩,現我們為她澄清受浸的意義和安排浸禮代禱。另一位於4月離開宿舍的學生Sanaan,於6月中短宣隊到訪時決志信主,求神讓我們有智慧地去跟進這初信的果子。
  6. 為我們義務同工Srey Mao Lyda 和他們的家人代禱,Srey Mao 七十多歲的父親因高血壓入了醫院,求神醫治他的身體和拯救他的靈魂

張永祥、胡玉蓮 攜歷恩、奉心、奉穎 謹上

郵寄地址PO BOX 1067Phnom PenhCambodia                       電郵: jnkcheung@gmail.com (Jamson)/
Facebook : jnkcheung@gmail.com                                                              wuyuklin@gmail.com (Kitty)
電話 (855) 017-236433 (Jamson)/ 016-614821 (Kitty)                      網電Skype Login: jnkcheung      
相薄Photo Album: http://picasaweb.google.com.hk/jnkcheung       部落 Blog:http://jamsonandkittyprayernetwork.blogspot.com

855-23-882245 855-11-658721)

1:致經濟上的支持者: 若對張永祥,胡玉蓮宣教士家庭的宣教事工有感動,請將奉獻寄往 九龍中央郵政信箱71343號,國際主僕差會香港分會,支票抬頭Interserve (HK):註明支持張永祥宣教士家庭工場費用若有垂詢請2384-7328瀏覽 www.interserve.org
2: 若對柬埔寨雅比斯事工的宣教事工有感動,請將奉獻寄往以上的差會郵寄地址,並註明柬埔寨雅比斯事工

Update of Baang Family (25/July/2013)

Here is the latest update from IS Korea related to Esther and Da Jung. It is good news and the girls are slowly recovering. This weekend the family plan to tell Esther what has happened to the rest of her family. Up until now they have felt she has had so much to face medically that this news would be too much. Please pray as this happens over the weekend.

What is below can be cut and pasted to others outside IS who may like to know more information.

Statement on the health of Da Eun (Esther) and Da Jung Bang - 25 July 2013
Interserve Cambodia and Interserve Korea

Da Jung - 4 years old - has made a good recovery from her injuries and will be discharged from hospital this weekend. She has been laughing and playing with family members in the last few days.

Da Eun (Esther) - 11 years old - continues to have treatment for her injuries including a recent skin graft related to a deep wound on her leg. Her left leg is still in a full plaster and she has some nerve weakness in her left hip and leg. She will soon be moved to the care of a rehabilitation team who will help her as she starts rehab related to her amputated left arm and then later, after the plaster is removed, her injured left hip and leg.  While in hospital Esther is enjoying reading and spending time with her family.

Interserve once again thanks all who have prayed for and supported Da Jung and Esther. Please particularly remember Esther as she starts a long period of rehab from her injuries.


Update of Bang family (date: 3/July update from Interserve Korea Regional Director)

Update of Bang family (date: 3/July update from Interserve Korea Regional Director)

We appreciate of your sincere prayer for the Bang and us.

Esther and Da Jung need to get some surgeries further;
Esther will get surgeries tomorrow: wound revision  on amputated arm site and a surgery on Knee joint patella(髕骨) injury. Da Jung needs a craniostomy for fluid and blood collection on brain : maybe after tomorrow.


