波威縣憲兵司令林萬那表示,該木橋曾在9月5日,同樣因運載水泥卡車超載而倒塌,經維修后,運 輸局向轎車徵收1萬5千柬幣過橋費,而沒有運輸貨物的輕重型貨車則付5萬柬幣,但上述肇禍卡車因向相關官員交付高達13萬柬幣的過橋費,獲得官員同意放 行,豈料卻造成木橋因不勝負荷而再一次倒塌。
柬埔寨星洲日報.2010/10/20張永祥, 胡玉蓮宣教士 (工場: 柬埔寨 差會: 國際主僕差會 Interserve) Jnkcheung@gmail.com (Jamson)/ Wuyuklin@gmail.com (Kitty). Whatsapp: +855-17-236433 (Jamson)/ +855-16-614821 (Kitty)
請你為我們一位宣教士朋友急切代禱, 他是永祥的朋友, 他的名字叫 Matt and Susu (來自Fiji 的宣教士). 他剛遇上交通意外, 剛接受手術, 離開手術房, 急切為他的身體健康代禱. (下文附上他的意外和現況及代禱事項)
Our friends and co-laborors in the Kuy harvest field are in urgent need of our prayers. Matt and Susu Cinavou, missionaries from Fiji, were on their way to a Kuy village for ministry along with several others, including Cambodian students. They had a serious car accident in which the car went out of control and rolled. Matt was seriously injured. He is in the hospital in Phnom Penh immobilized and on a respirator. He will have surgery tomorrow to re-align the vertebrae in his neck. He is currently paralysed. The doctors can not say whether or not the spinal cord will recover and he will regain use of his muscles. Praise God, no other cars were involved and no others were seriously injured. Please pray with us for Matt and Susu: